Our history
The parks industry can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century, but the BH&HPA itself was first formed in 1950, under its original name of the National Federation of Site Operators (NFSO). This came after a post-war surge in the popularity of camping and caravanning, which in turn saw a rapid and unmanaged rise in the numbers and types of caravan businesses.
The growth of the Federation was considerable and by 1961, there were over 1,000 NFSO members across England, Scotland and Wales. The travelling recruitment team of six not only volunteered their time and expertise, but also covered their own expenses; this was a labour of personal devotion to the industry.
In 1964, the Federation established a Code of Conduct for members, and in the same year, the NFSO in conjunction with the NCC published a ‘model agreement’ for residential park owners to offer their homeowners. Two years later, the NFSO responded to requests for model agreements to assist members in holiday park management as well.
The 1980s were another decade of change for both the NFSO and the parks industry; every aspect of the industry was under close scrutiny. In 1986, an Extraordinary General Meeting was called for the purposes of amending the NFSO’s Articles of Association, including a ‘change of name to reflect consumer orientation and quality of product … an important move in presenting a new image’.
The NFSO became the British Holiday & Home Parks Association Limited from September 1986.
The earlier era of the Federation set the foundation stones for all that has followed. Alongside many changes both within the organisation, as well as in legislation and the parks’ industry as a whole, the simple resolve of the BH&HPA has remained unchanged to this day.
The Association’s history is one of working together and, through that cooperation, progressing the interests of all. The wisdom of the decision taken 70 years ago by the three founding branches – the South East, Southern Counties and South West – to come together and form the National Federation has stood the test of time. Those were pioneering days for the industry and pioneering park owners saw the need for parks to have their own organisation. They got on the road and encouraged their fellow park owners to establish Branches across the UK to establish the Association which we know today.
That original constitution of park owners and managers organised into local Branches, each returning one of their number as a Director to the national Board, continues to this day. It provides local support to members, industry democracy and when the industry is threatened, a volunteer army who turn out in its defence.
There have been a few battles along the way, but by working together, the industry has enjoyed success and developed an Association which supports each and every member.
Never have the words of Colonel F A Worley, NFSO President in 1967, seemed more apt: ‘Let us resolve, old and new members alike, to go forward in the full spirit of unity.’