
Fields and Hills


The industry’s voice to Government


The British Holiday & Home Parks Association (BH&HPA) is the national trade body for holiday and residential parks in the United Kingdom. Our members operate more than 3,000 parks across the UK and play an active role in engaging with governmental departments, MPs, local authorities, and industry stakeholders.


The majority of holiday parks are located in rural and coastal areas across the UK. They play a significant role in sustaining local economies and bringing tourism spend to some of the most economically challenged areas. Findings from the UKCCA Economic Impact Report demonstrated that visitor expenditure generated by holiday parks and campsites in the UK contributes £7.2 billion in Gross Added Value to the UK economy and provides 226,745 (FTE) jobs.


In addition to providing holidays and supporting the UK’s domestic tourism offer, many of our members operate residential park businesses. Residential parks offer accessible, single-storey detached homes that are particularly suitable for an ageing population who value independent living. BH&HPA members own and manage a significant portion of the UK’s residential pitches.


Working together with our members, partners, and political stakeholders, we champion the sector highlighting challenges and illustrating positive solutions to help the UK parks industry thrive. 


Read the BH&HPA 2024 manifesto for the industry.